PS4 Бразильский метод. Что да как

Тема в разделе "Playstation 4", создана пользователем lekseiM, 16.08.2015.

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  1. dofin

    dofin Пользователь

    Давайте согласимся что полноценный взлом нужен всем!
  2. SundayWarrior

    SundayWarrior Пользователь

    ты меня так в депрессию вгонишь - сегодня ЗП увидел - отрезали что могли + за отпуск пока не заплатили. если б только на оф зарплату жил, то даж напиться с горя было бы не на что)
    а тут 50к грузчикам - надо вашу резиновую попробовать чуть растянуть)
    Последнее редактирование: 09.09.2015
  3. Akhmedovir

    Akhmedovir Пользователь

    Вроде как начали блокировать игры тем кто закачал игры на соньки по бразильскому- теперь только оффлайн. Вот обломно кому то будет
    dofin нравится это.
  4. dofin

    dofin Пользователь

    Блин, я же писал выше что бан ловят от этого метода :)
  5. Akhmedovir

    Akhmedovir Пользователь

    Там вроде даже не бан а еще хуже - игры становятся просто не рабочими, даже оффлайн не погонять
  6. dofin

    dofin Пользователь

    Сам не пробовал) но говорят что профиль не выходит в псн пытаешься создать новый офлайн создается, а в онлайн не выходит))
    Фиг знает чему верить...
  7. Administrator

    Administrator Администратор

    Все там нормально - просто у игр активация слетает - играем в них в оффлайне
    olen1970 нравится это.
  8. Administrator

    Administrator Администратор

    повторно снова делаю активацию и все гуд или же удаляй игры и играй с лицухи в онлайне --- никаких банов нет
    olen1970 нравится это.
  9. sanyok111777

    sanyok111777 Пользователь

    Please people... don't believe the guy above one friggin' single word, ever !!! He has got absolutely no credibility.
    See for yourself in some of his earlier posts he claimed online play worked, but now it doesn't work so he's clearly contradicting himself. And in order to save his s he now says you won't get banned exploiting the trick.

    Well, unlike him, I've always said online play won't work. I also did not pay anyone for the trick and a brazilian dude who re-sold him the trick has gone ahead, contacted me and apologized for trying to sell the trick to me.

    If you read my posts on a couple of scene websites when I was still trying to figure out the trick, you'd have seen that my goal from the very beginning was to find friends so we can work together to figure out and test the method and not to pay anyone for it, simply as a matter of principle. If anyone on here had helped me in any way I would have also shared the method with you as well. I really wanted to help and I tried to help everyone. I thought it'd be great to put in some effort, exchange ideas, share info and help each other. And in that I succeeded.

    I've made friends with some real hackers, I now know a lot of new info about the ps4 and how it all really functions. Most of that info I'm at no liberty to reveal, because I'm not the one who originally came up with it. I got most of it via a private irc I have now got the access to. I do know more than your average joe, just can't share.

    Also I'm sorry about giving some people on here a false hope that I'll post the method when I find out. At the time I was kinda pissed of at people selling it mostly. Then after I found out I consulted with people doing the real groundwork for the ps4 scene and they convinced me that stuff like this trick should be kept private. I was told if the actual vulnerability that enables this trick to work gets into public, Sony will issue a patch to sort it out. And as always the fewer things get patched the better it is for the actual hacking. I guess every security fix might make some aspects more difficult.

    And this method the way I think about it is you either tell the method for free or don't release it at all. But never sell. So I also said I'd tell everyone, because I just really don't like people like who only care about money. Plus additionally if it wasn't even your method to begin with, so in my opinion you had no right to sell it.

    Now, if you believe me or not, --I don't care! I don't need to prove anything here. It's enough for me to just know at the end I'll be right. Just like I was right when I warned some people doing the trick, it was not gonna work online.

    So, I've got confirmed info from verified sources, that Sony have recently started taking a deeper look into profiles flagged up for suspicious activities. I also know there's a file on the psn servers that logs all the console ids that have ever been associated with a given profile. I know it, you know it, and even your grandma knows it. Now, take a guess what's eventually gonna happen to certain profiles and console ids that have been used to activate a few hundred ps4's only in a couple of months?

    ^^the answer is...--- all the consoles that had anything to do with the method will be banned the moment they are ever connected to the internet again, user profiles used for cloning games will get banned as well. problem solved.

    And if any of you thinks you're smart and engineers at Sony are stupid, think again. -- They have designed and made the ps4. They know all the strengths and weaknesses in its security. The way things work for them it's always a financial decision. They're willing to let it go for a while, but as soon as it becomes a prob they'll patch it and leave you to explain to their costumer support how you were only playing legally owned stuff on a console that had been previously used with a fishy profile. Even after you've deleted everything the idps would still be tagged.
  10. Administrator

    Administrator Администратор

    the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on
    Собаки лают - караван идёт!
  11. sanyok111777

    sanyok111777 Пользователь

    yeah, right.

    Have a fun time looking out for ‘em caravans of unhappy customers ain’t needing to go very far to find people who told ‘em they wouldn’t get banned when they can no longer log into psn.

    Well, whatever. I ain’t got time for this bullshit. Plus I couldn’t care less, really. The only thing I don’t like about you personally is that instead of working out the method by yourself, you chose the easy way out and paid for it. And then you started running around claiming you’re a so called ’professional’ and I’m not. I never said nor gave a flying f if I was btw, all I know is I didn’t have to pay anyone. So it’s all just f-ing lame the way you acted.

    As long as selling this crap goes, I’ll have you know I’ve been offered 8000$ bucks converted into todays money for this trick at one point, and that was loooong before you or brazilians even knew anything about it.

    Also I don’t see the point in running a business based on lying to your customers so you can make a sale.

    ^^The truth is up ’til now, noone I know got banned. A couple of people I know still enjoy playing online through this method, but it’s random. you may end up being able to play for over a year or not last a whole day even. Even if you format your console, when going online Sony will know your psid was used for gamesharing and there’s a chance you can get banned. The method is absolutely not future-proof.

    I personally think things like psn and multiplayer are a waste of life anyways. However, apart from online play and bans. As far as end users are concerned there are still lots of positive things to this method as well. ie. right now, ps4 games are quite expensive. lots of folks really can’t afford to buy ‘em. This way you can fill up your entire 2TB hdd full of games for next to nothing. If only there were more really cool games on the ps4, most normal people wouldn’t give two shits about online being way more excited about the fact they’re getting all their games for free.

    And If anyone’s interested I know a guy who will put games into your ps4 for free as long as you provide 1 new game to the collection.
  12. Xboxmaster

    Xboxmaster Пользователь

    Пиз...деть не мешки таскать...купи метод и выложи публично...а то один понос...
  13. Ryu

    Ryu Пользователь

    Xboxmaster, на себя посмотри. Что мешает тебе купить и выложить? А то один понос.
  14. sanyok111777

    sanyok111777 Пользователь

    Who are you?? -and I should listen to you why exactly?? I also don't get why I'm supposed to buy something? -I've got the method without paying for it, only idiots who can't learn it on their own pay.
  15. Xboxmaster

    Xboxmaster Пользователь

    Ну так правильно , кому нужен этот понос который он переводит через гугл транслэйт и который очень смешно переводится обратно)
    А метод мне не нужен в паблике и не в паблике)
  16. Xboxmaster

    Xboxmaster Пользователь

    А ху а ю? ну так не жуй сопли и давай выкладывай
  17. sanyok111777

    sanyok111777 Пользователь

    Xboxmaster, first of all I'm fluent in English so I don't need to use any translating tools.

    Secondly, as I've already said I discussed it with a couple of real hackers and they advised me against posting the method publicly. And I already apologised for not keeping my promise about releasing the trick.

    However if you're interested you can bring your console and as long as you provide 1 new game to the collection I know a dude who will put lots of games onto your ps4's hdd.

    And as for who I am, I'm just a regular dude who knows how to mod my consoles well enough not to pay anyone to do it for me.
  18. Xboxmaster

    Xboxmaster Пользователь

    Опиши мне метод пожалуйста в личку, и я не буду его выкладывать публично. Зачем пишешь на английском ? Кому ты служишь ? Или это вроде отчёта твои хозяевам?
  19. sanyok111777

    sanyok111777 Пользователь

    Nahh.. man I'm just one of those people promoting English as the language of the Internet and also my damn laptop doesn't have a Russian keyboard layout.

    I've shared the method with some hackers and everyone who helped me test things. But I'm not sharing it with anyone else for now, and it's also not for sale. I don't care about selling it.

    All I can say however is that the method is not all that much different from what is described on the web, it certainly doesn't
    take a 'professional'(whatever that means) to figure it out. It doesn't contain any code or any actual hacking. The only risk is that you can't do much experimenting with the ps4's nor, because the console features what some people call the 'anti hacker protection' and if you patch something wrong in the nor the ps4 just gives you a blod and bricks. Otherwise everyone would have known about this lame trick by now.
  20. Xboxmaster

    Xboxmaster Пользователь

    кароче бла-бла-бла
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